Monday, March 1, 2010

embrace reaction

What's up with me only bloging when I should be at school, you might ask.. I know, I fail. I'm trying to do work, but it's spanish from Argentina and it's song lyrics so basically I don't understand anything. YAY, fun.

I have been working a little at my neeew blog though, lately, which is why I haven't been updating this one.. I'm hoping to get a lot done tonight, too. :) YAY.

And it's going to be in Norwegian. I'm sorry Risa. :P But you know, you can always use google translate. it doesn't translate perfectly, but you would probably usually at least get the main idea of it. :)

I still haven't got my power chord back, OR heard anything. I hate NetOnNet more and more every day. It REALLY shouldn't take this long! I sent it in the mail the 20th of January! It's been way more than a month! :@ I even sent an e-mail to complain that it took so long. The answer I got was "It shouldn't take that long, I'm sorry, I will check it out and see what takes so long.." And that was on wednesday. I haven't heard anything since then.

So I just want to say this again;

DON'T EVER BUY ANYTHING FROM NETONNET, BECAUSE THEIR COSTUMER SERVICE SUCKS. It might be a little cheaper there, but that's just because they save so much money on their so-called "costumer service"..

(Yes, I'm bitter, haha. I want my power chord back!)


Tonje said...

Elise! Slutt da! JEG VIL SE BLOGGEN DIN NÅ! Hahahah :P Jeg er så spent!

Og jeg klarer ikke svare på resten av bloggen, fordi det er engelsk, og jeg tror jeg er engelsk blind :(

Anthine said...

Gledar meg til du opnar domenet =D