Do you want to hear some good news?
...the postal service lost my package with my charger. It shouldn't be possible!! I've waited for it for SO long and now they can't find the package. My parents have been there several times to ask for it, but now, a week after they got the note saying that the package arrived, I still have no charger. So today I'm going to go down to the post office. HOPEFULLY they will have found the package, but honestly I don't really expect them to. So if they haven't I will start yelling and being mad at them, and if that doesn't help, I'll go sit down on their desk and tell them that I'm staying there until I'm holding the package in my hands. Maybe that'll help? I think so.
But before all of this, I'm going to the dentist. Someone save me... I'm not really that scared of the dentist, but I do definitely not enjoy it either. But I have to go.. Something is wrong with my teeth, because I had such an awful toothache last Saturday, and it's not the first time. (Even though it was the worst it's ever been) I'm going down there in 20 minutes. o_O But right now I don't even really care, I don't see how anything she'll do to me today can be any worse than the pain I was in on Saturday, and if it is, at least she can give me anesthetic or something.. >_> Wish me luck!!
(Picture taken from google.. It was on lots of different pages, without credit, so I don't know who took it.)
Friday, March 12, 2010
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Veit. xD nei, er nok berre min kjempemessige kunnskap i engelsk grammatikk det der...
Lykke til hos tannlegen søta! :D
Herregud e det MULIG xD Dumme posten!!
Håper det gikk bra hos tannlege, tror jeg må dit selv snart :(
Håhå, hvordan gikk det med post og tannlege?
Egentlig er jeg skikkelig blond. Har bare blitt mørkere pga farginga. Har aldri fått tilbake hårfargen min. Den er long gone ;(
Det er skikkeleg teit ja. Det er røyken til venninna mi som eg tok bilete av. Har prøva å fått ho til å slutte, men det er ikkje så lett xD.
Tusen takk! : D
any one know english?
Takk :)
Gler meg verkeleg til våren eg no...
Så synd...Får sjå om eg finn på ein anna konkuranse eller noko..
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