Saturday, January 23, 2010

this is who we are

Thursday was my birthday. No one on my blog remembered. :( Haha, doesn't matter. Guess most people didn't even know? Now I'm 21. I feel old!

I didn't go to school on my birthday because I didn't have any classes and.. Well, it was my birthday! I went to town with my mum and we also met up with my sister, and had lunch together on a café. I had the best quiche ever.

So yesterday I was at school, working, from 8 to 4. I'm proud of myself, since I only had classes for two hours (but I left after only one hour). It was Pragmatics (in Spanish of course, like everything else I take), and I decided I'm certainly not taking that subject. I signed up for one more subject than I really need, so I'm not going to waste my time on something I don't like and rather concentrate on the subjects I like.

Today my friend Halvor comes to visit me. Yay, I haven't seen him in a while! We're going to have a Eurovision party because the Norwegian Eurovision is on TV tonight. Haha! It's going to be the lamest party ever, but that's how we like it!
Ooold photo. From sprig 2008, in our last months of high school.. I laugh every time I see this picture, it's so typical us. In his boat, with a guitar and the most stupid smiles ever. Ohyea!!

And you need to check this video out, it's the music video to Paramore's That's What You Get. It's kind of feel-good. And Hayley is so pretty. I love her hair like this, if I was going to dye my hair red again I would go for a color similar to this, for sure!! :)

Sorry that this is the most random blog post ever. I just felt like sharing boring facts about my last couple of days. 8D


Anonymous said...

Gratulerer med dagen... litt sent... Jeg husker ikke om du hadde nevnt du skulle bli 21 den 21. Januar. I alle fall har jeg glemt det, men er det ikke bedre sånn? I Frankrike bør man ALDRI snakke om alderen til damer :D

P.S.: jeg synes du ikke burde farge håret ditt rødt, håper du ikke leker med denne tanken - men det er bare meg selvsagt :-)

Anthine said...

Gratulerer med dagen på etterskudd =).