Thursday, January 14, 2010

looking down at butterflies

Today I went swimming. For the first time since August I think! That's crazy, I love to swim and be in the water, I almost can't believe I haven't gone swimming before. (Not that I didn't want to, though..) But today my sister and I went swimming in the fitness center we go to. It was so nice. I want to do it once a week. I don't know if I will though, I have so many things I want to do, I don't think there's enough time to do it all. :P But there's one thing I've been talking about doing for ages, that I'm finally doing this semester; I'm taking dancing classes. They're at the same place where I go swimming, and it's street jazz. I'm going with Elmira. I can't wait. I'm going to suck, haha XD

After we went swimming we went to my sister's apartment and made homemade pizza for dinner. Then I helped her paint for a while, because they're redecorating their apartment. :) Then my sister invited me to come with her and her husband to where he's from tomorrow, so I'll be gone for the weekend. I'm excited, it's going to be nice. He lives on a pretty small island with about 300 inhabitants. I've been there before, a couple of times, but never in the winter. It will be interesting to see how life on an island is in the winter. In the summer it's probably easy (as long as you have a couple of boats! :P), but in the winter it has got to be a little hard. Especially when there's ice on the water and the only way to get off the island is to go on the ferry.. But when my sister was trying to persuade me into going, she started listing up all the fun things we could do: sit in their outside tub, go fishing on the ice, go ice-skating on the ocean.. It sounds like so much fun! So I'm really excited to go, it's going to be an awesome weekend. ^^

And here's a song you need to hear. It's beautiful and I actually really like her voice and the way she sings.. (I usually don't really like female vocalists, I don't really know why) I love the video, too. It's cute and the dancing at the end cracked me up. I love the sweater with the hoodie she wears at the end, too. <3


Anonymous said...

Skal kommentere skikkelig senere, men bare svarer på det du skrev på min.

Jeg vil ha Wordpress-BLOGGEN i en div og IKKE Wordpress sin sidemeny og CSS, jeg vil ha MIN sidemeny og CSS ;) Sånn som jeg hadde før, så hadde jeg BARE selve blogtingen til Wordpress inni en div og alt annet hadde jeg kodet i Wordpress ;)

Anonymous said...

Å, hørtes skikkelig kos ut på den øya :D Selvom liker ikke helt tanken på å være "fanget" :P

Jeg vil og svømme en gang i uka. Men trener 3-4 ganger i uka uansett så ;)