Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i am no one's hero

Here's something you don't see everyday; Me wearing something besides jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie! (Though I am wearing jeans..) That's pretty rare. My style is really boring, haha 8) But today I wanted to dress up. So I'm not going to convert to a blogging about fashion and my outfits or anything, (would be so interesting, wouldn't it? In one week, you would have seen my whole closet. But hey, at least I could have posted a picture every time I bought a new t-shirt? Next time would probably be some time fall 2010, so just hang in there, and you'll be amazed!!) I just wanted to share this special day with you.



Tonje said...

WoW! I love your outfit, gurrrl! <3 ;D

Anonymous said...

Du er så søøøt <3

irene said...

og jeg fikk ikke vitne det?!? :(

risa said...

you are SO great.

Mari said...

Ingrid og jeg sitter og ser på et pent bilde!! :)