Thursday, December 17, 2009

it's not getting easier

Finally..! Christmas break! I had my exam today. It was awful. We only have 3 hours and we had three pages of questions about grammar. Analyse this, fill in the correct form of the verb here, comment the use of that. I wrote 9 pages. In three hours. All about grammar!! It shouldn't be possible. And I was stressed out like a crazy person. No breaks, no eating, I didn't do anything except write, write, write. (And think.) I don't like these exams. They would be alright if we just had another hour but we don't. So I don't have enough time, it's just all stressful and I'm pretty sure I could have answered at least a couple of questions a lot better if I had more time. But it doesn't matter, it's over and there's nothing I can do about it now. So now I'm just going to enjoy christmas break and the fact that when I'm working I don't have to think about ANY work related stuff when I walk out the door at the end of my work shift. Nice.

(Photo from
It's cold here now. It's almost ten below zero. And windy, which makes it even colder. But at least it feels like winter. <3

1 comment:

Loup said...

Ha en god juleferie. Du fortjener den!
Jeg har en dårlig overraskelse for deg. Jeg slutter å blogge. Beslutningen var vanskelig å ta og gjør meg litt trist (spesielt når jeg tenker på dem som ville at jeg fortsetter), men jeg måtte velge, tiden er ikke noe som kan strekkes uendelig...
Har skrevet mitt siste innlegg og skal slette bloggen om én uke eller 10 dager. :-(
Jeg vil likevel forbli en fast leser av din blogg, jeg kjenner meg litt knyttet til deg nå :-)