Monday, December 14, 2009

hold on for your life because only the strong survive

I'm tired. And so ready for Christmas break. I was at school for 7 hours today and I have NOT slept enough lately. So I'm just really really tired. I AM going to bed early today. At 11 or something. Hopefully I will fall asleep fast, lately I've been having some trouble falling asleep.

So just because I need to think about something positive; here's a couple of things I'm looking forward to at the moment:
-> My friend and her family are having a small Christmas concert
-> Celebrating Christmas with my aunt, uncle and cousins.
-> Coming home to my room there, my huge bed and amazing sheets (haha)
-> Spending Christmas break with my parents
-> Going for walks with my mum
-> Having time for reading and playing guitar and the piano

- Going to Skeikampen in February with my family, and going snowboarding there, YAY!

Only two more days of reading, and then my LAST exam this semester is on thursday.. Can't wait to be done!


Kåre said...

Vi skal til Skeikampen, ikke Sjusjøen

Elise said...

åh, søren. jaja det er ikke så lett med de navna. :P det begynte på "skj"/"sj" da, jeg var ikke HELT på bærtur :P